About Barbara Trant
​I ​qualified as a physiotherapist from Royal College of Surgeons Ireland in 2005, but my drive to learn more about complex spinal pain led me to completing my Masters Degree in Clinical Physiotherapy in Australia in 2011.
After 22 years working in large private medical practices in Ireland and Australia as well as setting up my own specialist 'Neckcare' practice in 2016, I am delighted to be able to share my knowledge with those who need it the most using this platform.
My Story
Like so many of Moms out there, I too experienced a rapid decline in my body image, physical health and sanity after the birth of my son. And despite being a physiotherapist, I did all of the wrong things to ‘get strong, feel good and firm up’ after my pregnancy...
I threw myself into random online classes involving way too stressful exercises, returned to playing basketball with players 20 years my junior and even picked up kickboxing - all within the first six months postpartum. I was rewarded with worsening ab separation, a return of an old back issue and a serious calf muscle tear!
On the plus side it led me to qualifying as a Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (PCES) and learning how better to retrain both the core and body after childbirth and physical injury - in a healthy and balanced way.
As a busy Mom I fully appreciate the challenges that raising kids, work and general life presents especially when in pain...and that time is everything! My aim is to provide you the best and complete pain recovery service for you in both a time and user-friendly manner.
Looking forward to helping you
Barbara Trant
MSc. Clinical Physiotherapy, BSc. Physiotherapy, BSc. Sports Science & Sports Rehabilitation, Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, Creator of The After Baby Body Cure
Other qualifications: Western Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Orthotic Prescription, Wisdom of Trauma, Cervicogenic Headaches and more
About Move To Soothe
The Birth of Move To Soothe
After treating thousands of complex injuries over 20 years, it became apparent that people with complex spinal pain and busy Moms in particular, repeatedly fell through the cracks when it came to receiving a ''complete, specialist and holistic model of care'' that addressed their own specific needs.
Move To Soothe is a revolutionary physiotherapy service and online recovery platform founded in 2023 by Barbara Trant. It is a labour of love designed to help women take control of their body, avoid unnecessary long-term disability.
The Approach - Why it Differs?
Pain, injury, pregnancy, childbirth, stress and even posture all create a chain reaction in how our body functions - what may start with compensation (e.g. one muscle working harder) eventually leads to imbalance, core dysfunction and the onset of symptoms like back pain, leaky bladders or more serious issues like pelvic organ prolapse.
It's helpful to think of the chain reaction of events causing symptoms like - 'tipping a sequence of dominoes'. And what is critical to your recovery is knowing which dominoes to fix first - as well as when, how and why!
​The problem is too many medical approaches still focus on treating just the symptoms (e.g. massage or injections for spinal pain, pelvic floor exercises alone for leaky bladders), instead of addressing the chain of events, the 'fallen dominoes' and the system as a whole.
Move To Soothe is a holistic healing approach that systematically identifies dysfunction and methodically moves you through the issues that are preventing your body from working effectively. Our goal is to tailor the solutions to ‘you’ and your own unique set of issues, while keeping things as user-friendly as possible! This breakthrough approach will 3x accelarate your results or more!